So, slowly, together they began finding ways to cope with their pain - they started making wind chimes out of clay in their own back yard. The therapeutic effect of working the clay in their hands had a calming effect they could not have predicted. And through all of their pain it was the small kindnesses of others that really kept them going. They decided to make hundreds of the Bells and distribute them randomly around Tucson to pay that kindness forward. Since Ben’s death, it had been the kindness of others, strangers and friends, that had helped us begin to heal. We wanted to find a way to pass on that kindness and to help others in the process.

A few weeks ago their random acts of kindness would offer more healing and support then anyone could have imagined. As I am sure you have all heard about the terrible shooting that took place in Tucson. At a time when the community needed it most, Jeanette and her Ben's Bells wind chimes became a symbol of hope for a community devastated by pain and destruction. Jeanette and her supporting chorus of angels distributed hundreds of Ben's Bells. Even when they were not allowed on the crime scene FBI agents hung the bells of hope on the trees inside the yellow tape.
If you would like to see the original story that was broadcast on MSNBC click here and follow the links to see the story on Ben's Bells.
If you want more information about the organization go to:
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