Sunday 2 January 2011

Resolutions? A year in review?

Everyone in the blogsphere seems to be addressing the issue of Resolutions for 2011.  I flip flop with New Year's Resolutions.  Some years I like to make a few important resolutions other years I just let the year flow as it may.  Last year I committed to losing some weight and managed to lose 15 lbs.

This year it seems I am at a crossroads.  So many changes have already taken place for me in the past 6 months.  I started this blog back in September.  I broke up with my long term boyfriend.  I have made some great new friends and developed existing friendships into what I hope will be lifelong connections.  I drastically changed my diet and am now a flexatarian only eating meat once or twice a week and only when at a restaurant or visiting friends and family.  And most recently, I have become somewhat domestic. I have always enjoyed cooking but I am now trying out baking and more adventurous vegetarian recipes. 

To be honest, there are parts of the past 6 months I would like to forget.  But, there are parts of the past 6 months that have been inspiring and eye opening. 

I guess what I am trying to say is that so much as already happened to me in the recent past that I guess I don't really know what I want to happen this year.

I will be making my fitness more of a priority in the coming weeks.  I will also be focusing on healthier recipes - now that the holidays are over I need to ween myself off the treats and back into a balanced diet.  I would also like to spend more time on this blog.  Creating more varied posts and do my best to keep my readers interested and hopefully grow my readership.  I am also planning to learn more about photography and how to best make use of my new camera.  I love photography and I really want to have pictures on this blog and on my walls that I can be proud to call my own art. 

I am also hoping to do some travelling this year.  I have no idea where, or how.  Alone?  With a friend?  I am  not sure.  But, I am making a point of saving some funds so I can take a real vacation. 

In retrospect, I guess I am not making any resolutions, just trying to make myself into the best version of myself that I can be.  The tricky part is that I am not sure what that version quit looks like yet.  But, stay tuned and join me while I try to figure it out.

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