The weather here has been dull, cold and dreary lately. So, I decided to bring some sunshine in the house in the form of bright yellow tulips. Aren't they lovely?
These brightly coloured lemons and limes also brighten my day. I like to keep them out on my window sill so I remember to use them when I am making my lunch for work or my dinner at night. I made some sweet lemon curd a few weeks ago with some extra lemons I had that were going to go bad. Yum!
Yuuummmm. Meringues. I don't think I need to say anything else.
Look at that face? She is nothing but trouble most of the time but she can turn on the charm when she wants something.
I just started reading this book and so far it is pretty good. I joined a friend's book club and we meet to discuss this book on February 15th. Reading with the pressure of a deadline is a little stressful. But, I am looking forward to meeting to discuss my thoughts about this book with the ladies.

I have also had the pleasure and luck to make a new friend recently. While I just met this person a few weeks ago I feel like I have known them much longer. These are just a few things that are making me happy right now.
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