Sunday, 3 October 2010

Go, Leafs, Go

Just to make something very clear.  I do know that the plural for Leaf is actually leaves.  But, when you are at an NHL hockey game it is the Leafs, not the Leaves.  The BF and I went to the last game for the Toronto Maple Leafs pre-season last night in Toronto.  They were playing against the Detroit Red Wings and our Leafs won!!

It was a lot of fun.  There were actually two pretty cool highlights last night, and ironically neither of them had to do with the actual game.  I guess I should premise the first highlight with the background information that the BF is the biggest Wayne Gretzky fan EVER!  Seriously, we have a pile of Wayne paraphernalia that will be going up around our basement bar area when we finish decorating our basement.  He LOVES Wayne.  I think if he was to meet him in person I think he might giggle like a school girl. 

Now, I am not telling you this because Wayne was at the game.  I am telling you this because Walter Gretzky was sitting just a few rows ahead of us.  If you don't know this, Walter is Wayne's father.  He seemed super friendly and spend the breaks between periods signing autographs for fans.  Only in Canada would the fans of a superstar athlete want and autograph from the father of that superstar.  I love my country.

The second non-hockey game related highlight was the fact the comedian Russel Peters was at the game to film some segments at the arena for a new movie.  Fans were asked to stay after the game to be a part of a crowd scene for the film.  We had a two hour drive home so we decided not to stay but it was still pretty cool.

Before the long drive to Toronto I had a late lunch to hold me over.  Fresh cooked green beans with poached eggs.  Just a little salt and pepper made this dish perfect.  And of course a piece of marble rye toast to soak up all the lovely, eggy, drippy yolks.  I am still learning how to poach eggs properly so these were slightly more cooked than I would have liked, but still good.  I love eggs.

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